The IMPACT TB consortium held a workshop with the Vietnamese NTP on 31st March 2017

The IMPACT TB consortium held a workshop on 31st March 2017 hosted with the National TB Programme of Vietnam, entitled IMPACT TB consultation meeting with Viet Nam National TB Programme and stakeholders on Active Case Finding Policy in Viet Nam: successes, challenges and research priorities. The meeting was chaired by Professor Nguyen Viet Nhung and Professor Knut Lonnroth.
The workshop set the scene for one of our key objectives- to ensure that we work in close partnership with the National TB Programme of Vietnam and engage throughout the project with all stakeholders working towards the END TB strategy in Vietnam. Delegates discussed the current landscape of active case finding and linkage to care projects in Vietnam, the global evidence base and research priorities. In the afternoon session participants broke into groups for in-depth discussion of future research priorities and devised a research agenda.
Vietnam is a pathfinder country for TB elimination and aims to rapidly accelerate the current decline in TB incidence through the National TB Programme’s VICTORY network, led by Professor Nguyen Viet Nhung. This workshop ensured that the research being carried out by the IMPACT project is in alignment with the extensive research agenda of VICTORY and will contribute to Vietnams pioneering activities for TB elimination.
The National TB Programme have published news articles online in the Journal of Central Commission on Communication and Education and the Journal of Health and Life- please find the links to these respective articles below.
Journal of Central Commission on Communication and Education article
Journal of Health and Life article