Diepreye Ayabina represents IMPACT TB at EEID 2019

Posted on: July 22, 2019


Diepreye Ayabina is a research assistant at LSTM working with Gabriela Gomes on modelling heterogeneity in TB transmission as part of the IMPACT TB . 

The Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Diseases (EEID 2019) conference took place in Princeton, USA in June. It is an annual conference organised by IDEAS (Infectious Disease Evolution Across Scales), which is a group of researchers with diverse and common interests focusing on the evolution of infectious diseases. EEID attracts global leading researchers of infectious disease and presents an opportunity to present our work on risk equality metrics, learn more about recent advances in our fields of research as well as establish links with potential collaborators. It was such a great opportunity to be there and get to know more about the new approaches and methods that have been developed. Here’s a picture of me presenting a poster on the IMPACT TB modelling work: