The IMPACT TB consortium held a workshop with Nepali stakeholders on 3rd April 2017

The IMPACT TB consortium held a workshop on 3rd April 2017 hosted with the National TB Centre of Nepal, entitled IMPACT TB consultation meeting with Nepal National TB Centre and stakeholders on Active Case Finding Policy in Nepal: successes, challenges and research priorities. The meeting was chaired by Mr Mahesh Sharma and Professor Knut Lonnroth.
The workshop set the scene for one of our key objectives- to ensure that we work in close partnership with the National TB Centre of Nepal and engage throughout the project with all stakeholders working towards the END TB strategy in Nepal. Delegates discussed the current landscape of active case finding and comprehensive care models in Nepal, the global evidence base and research priorities. In the afternoon session participants broke into groups for in-depth discussion of future research priorities and strategies for ensuring synergistic research programmes.