IMPACT TB Short Oral Abstracts finalised for UNION 2019

IMPACT TB is delighted to confirm our final list of Short Oral Abstracts to be presented at the 50th UNION World Conference on Lung Health to be held in Hyderabad, India between 30th October & 2nd November 2019. The conference theme, ‘Ending the Emergency: Science, Leadership, Action’, focuses on what is needed to ensure commitments become action, and that lifesaving targets are met. The majority of those giving talks will be from our partners in Nepal (BNMT) and Vietnam (FIT). Please get in touch if you would like more information. We look forward to seeing you there!
31st October 10:30-12:00
Hall 5
Luan Vo (FIT-Vietnam)
Cost analysis of community-based tuberculosis case finding and patient support in six urban districts of Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam
Meeting Room 1.05-1.06
Phuong Tran (FIT-Vietnam)
Acceptability of video observed TB treatment among private providers in Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam
31st October 14:00-15:30
Hall 1
Thuy Dong (FIT-Vietnam)
High treatment completion rates using a 3-month isoniazid-rifampicin regimen during a community-wide latent TB screening and treatment campaign on Cu Lao Cham island, Viet Nam
Meeting Room G.05-G.06
Andrew Codlin (FIT-Vietnam)
Differences in tuberculosis detection yields by sex from mobile X-ray screening campaigns in Viet Nam
Meeting Room G.05-G.06
Lan Nguyen (FIT-Vietnam)
High yield of tuberculosis from systematic screening among active intravenous drug users in Hai Phong, Viet Nam
1st November 14:00-15:30
Hall 1
Huy Huynh (FIT-Vietnam)
Finding the missing cases through a public-private engagement initiative in Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam
Hall 1
Raghu Dhital (BNMT-Nepal)
Active Case Finding of Tuberculosis in Nepal: Findings from TB REACH Wave-5
Hall 1
Noemia Siqueira (LSTM-UK)
Economic evaluation of using sputum smear microscopy or GeneXpert testing for active tuberculosis case finding in Nepal
2nd November 10:30-12:00
Meeting Room G.01 & G.02
Rachel Forse (FIT-Vietnam)
Engagement of a pediatric specialty hospital for systematic screening of childhood TB in Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam