IMPACT TB prepares for World TB Day 2019

On 24th March 2019, the IMPACT TB team will join forces with leading international health organisations to help commemorate World TB Day in our partner countries, Vietnam and Nepal. We will use the day to raise awareness of the devastating effects of TB as well as demonstrate what we are doing to scale-up active case finding to help treat cases of TB in local communities. We will also promote an end to stigma and discrimination.
The World Health Organisation has said that the theme for this year is ‘It’s time’, following the first-ever UN High Level Meeting in September 2018 attended by various Heads of State, and aims to put into practice the strong commitments made.
BNMT in Nepal will mark the event by organising picture competitions among school students to prepare “Get Well Soon” messages for TB patients. They are also planning to coordinate with other organisations working in the TB sector for awareness raising activities among those deemed high-risk.