IMPACT-TB policy dialogue workshop held in Nepal

Following the successful IMPACT-TB consortium meeting on 2nd & 3rd July, Karolinska Institute in Sweden convened a policy dialogue workshop in Nepal in collaboration with the National TB Programme and BNMT Nepal.
The workshop brought together stakeholders from the national government, the National TB Programme, the World Health Organization, non-governmental organizations, universities and research institutions, leaders from the IMPACT TB project districts, as well as volunteers and people affected by tuberculosis. We were honoured to be joined by Dr Ashish Shrestha of the WHO and Dr Bhim Singh Tinkari of the NTC.
The aim of the policy dialogue was to exchange knowledge and experience with key stakeholders as well as obtaining feedback on the draft policy briefs. Once the findings of this workshop have been analysed, the briefs will be finalised and shared among stakeholders to inform future policy and practice on TB in Nepal.