IMPACT TB presentations at the 2019 UNION conference

IMPACT TB is looking forward to participating at the 50th UNION World Conference on Lung Health to be held in Hyderabad, India between 30th October & 2nd November 2019. The conference theme, ‘Ending the Emergency: Science, Leadership, Action’, focuses on what is needed to ensure commitments become action, and that lifesaving targets are met. Many members of our team will be giving talks on their work or leading workshops so please come along to learn more about what we do and meet the team! Please get in touch if you would like more information. We look forward to seeing you there!
31st October 10:30-12:00
Hall 5
Luan Vo (FIT-Vietnam)
Active TB case finding: one size does not truly fit all (Part 1)
1st November 10:30-12:00
Meeting Room G.05-6
Chair: Knut Lonnroth (Karolinska)
Ending the socio-economic emergency for TB-affected households by improving social protection coverage
Kerri Viney (Karolinska)
Social protection coverage among TB patients in HBCs: a multi-country analysis of national TB patient cost surveys
Knut Lonnroth (Karolinska)
Income security in times of sickness or disability in low- and middle-income countries: a review of policies, coverage and effects
Tom Wingfield (LSTM)
Developing a locally appropriate socio-economic support package for TB-affected households in Nepal
1st November 14:00-15:30
Novotel (Granite)
Chair: Knut Lonnroth (Karolinska)
Food for thought: impact of malnutrition on the TB epidemic
1st November 14:00-15:30
Meeting Room G.1.01 & 1.02
Chair: Bertie Squire (LSTM)
TB Infection control and prevention across households, hospitals, workplaces and prisons
2nd November 14:00-15:30
Meeting Room G.1.05 & 1.06
Chair: Bertie Squire (LSTM)
Reaching the missing men: strategies to improve men’s access to TB diagnosis and treatment